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Block Schedules

Block scheduling is a major component of the alternative program. All high school students attend a single class for four class periods daily in a four-week period. At the end of this four-week session, students earn a half credit. Then, the students rotate to another class for the next four-week period.

This type of scheduling encourages teaching creativity, provides greater flexibility, allows greater opportunity for individualization of assignments, and fosters the creation of a more supportive classroom atmosphere for students.

Class Schedules


Morning Block 8:45-11:55 a.m.
Critical Thinking Skills 11:55 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Lunch 12:45 p.m. -1:25 p.m.
Mini-Block 1:25-3:25 p.m.


Morning Block 8:45-12:30 a.m.
Lunch 12:30 p.m. -1:10 p.m.
Mini-Block 1:10-2:40 p.m.

Teacher Collaboration 2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

Note About Block Schedules

Due to the complexity of scheduling students into block classes and the need to conduct periodic graduation and progress checks with all students, a scheduling day is set once a semester. On these days, classes are suspended, and each student is assigned a time to appear. Teachers go over the student's final grade in his previous classes, discuss attendance, any other items needed to address and introduce the student to his next teacher. Students may be required to remain at school to do make-up assignments or for counseling or guidance.

If possible, students should arrange private transportation on this day so that they don't have to remain in the building until the buses run. Students who attend regular education classes or Tulsa Technology classes or night school classes must attend these classes as usual on scheduling/testing days. Students who fail to appear for scheduling day activities will be counted absent for the day. An unexcused absence on scheduling day is considered to be a significant violation of the Student Contract. Scheduling days may be abbreviated or eliminated if necessary to provide a minimum number of instructional days in an upcoming block of instruction.

Block Schedule Dates

Block Schedule Dates are subject to change.

Block 1

August 15 - September 13

Scheduling Day
September 16

Block 2

September 17 - October 15

Block 3

October 21 - November 15

Scheduling Day
October 16

Block 4

November 18 - December 20

Scheduling Day
January 6

Block 5

January 7 - February 6

Scheduling Day
February 6

Block 6

February 10 - March 10

Scheduling Day
March 11

Block 7

March 12 - April 16

Scheduling Day
April 17

Scheduling Day
Friday, April 24

Block 8

April 21 - May 20