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Graduation Celebration

Mark your calendars to celebrate your achievements at Graduation Celebration on May 18, from 10:30 p.m. until 3 a.m. on May 19. Join your classmates at Incredible Pizza, 8314 East 71st St., for an all-night, memory-making event. 

We encourage students to take advantage of early registration until May 3 to be guaranteed a prize and to be eligible for awesome prize drawings. Don’t miss this final celebration with your Union Alumni classmates!

CHECK-IN: between 10:30 pm to midnight

*No students allowed to enter after midnight or leave before 3 a.m.

Registration Information

Return Registration and payment by May 3 for BEST PRICE & PRIZES! 

  • $35 by MAIL, at SCHOOL or ONLINE (+fee)
  • $45 after May 3, 2024
  • Make checks payable to “Union Graduation Celebration”
  • Put Student’s Name in Memo

To pay by mail: Send check with registration form to:  

Union Graduation Celebration
c/o Union High School
6636 S. Mingo Road - Tulsa, OK 74133

To pay in person, return registration form with payment to Graduation Celebration lock-box in the Student Activities Office or return registration form with payment on April 25-26 or May 2-3 in the Activities Commons before school and during lunch. We will accept check, cash, credit card.

To pay online, register online at our Square Store with credit card for $35 (+.convenience fee) at:  Be sure to put Student Name and Student ID # in the proper notes box at check-out.

To pay at the door, bring $45 (CASH ONLY) at the door. Expect to have a 30-minute delay entering. Bring completed registration to expedite the process. No guaranteed prize or grand prize eligibility if not registered by May 3.

Registration Includes:

Pizza, Pasta & Salad Buffet, Dessert and Drinks, Candy Bar Buffet, “Hurricane Harris” Comedy Show, Bingo with prizes, Selfie Photo Booth, $10 game card for games dispensing tickets for IP prizes (game cards are reloadable at student’s expense).

Unlimited Activities

Video and Arcade Games, Laser Tag, Go Karts, Mini Golf, Bumper Cars, Mini Bowling, XD Theater, Tea Cups, Spinning Coaster, Frog Hopper and SpringTown Trampoline Park.

WHERE:  Incredible Pizza

Address: 8314 East 71st Street 

*No outside food or drinks

*No backpacks, large bags or purses

*Student ID must be worn at event

Win Prizes

Early register (May 3) for a chance to win amazing early registration prizes:

  • Large prize drawings,
  • Mini-fridges,
  • GoPro cameras,
  • AirPods,
  • Tablets TVs & more!

Event Prizes

Qualifies you for gift cards, TVs, speakers & many other amazing items will fill the PRIZE ROOM!

