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Student Organizations

Union encourages students at each grade level to participate in organized activities whether they are school-sponsored such as Student Council or an organization like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Union believes students who participate in such activities lead more well-rounded lives and develop leadership and social skills that they can rely as they mature. See also Youth Sports Organizations

On the elementary level, students have many options from joining a chess club to their school choir. Some schools have academic teams, jump rope teams and even a runners’ club. In fact, several elementary schools involve their student body in running as they prepare for and participate in the annual Tulsa Run. It’s a lot of fun for students.

Union also welcomes the opportunity for students to participate in non-school sponsored organizations or events. These activities may include Boy Scout, Girl Scouts, church activities, Little League and more. Parents and students should check with their teachers or principals to learn what activities are open to students.

On the secondary level, students have access to even more school-sponsored activities. Union encourages all of its students to join a student club, athletics, spirit, drama, leadership, volunteering – well, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Clubs, Sponsors & Mission Statements

View list of clubs, sponsors and missions statements for:

National Honor Society

Membership in the National Honor Society is by invitation only. Invitations are sent out via email around mid-September, each year. Students are required to have an unweighted GPA of 3.25 and maintain this GPA throughout their high school years, as well as collect volunteer hours to remain a member of NHS. Students are invited to join their Sophomore year of HS, but can also Join junior or Senior year, if they meet the above qualifications. Visit NHS website.

Leadership Class

In addition to student council organizations across the District, including a special leadership program at the Freshman Academy, there is a Leadership Class at Union High School.

To be in Leadership class, a student has to run for and be elected to a student council or class officer position. The purpose of this class is to train student leaders in the various aspects of student leadership and to provide regular class time for performance of tasks associated with the office to which each has been elected. Experiences will include representative student government and human relations with peer groups, faculty and administration. Course content will include basic techniques of leadership, goal setting, organizational skills, meetings, group effectiveness, communication, motivation, problem solving, decision making, public relations, and evaluation.